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Travels in the Americas

Americas overall are great travel destinations and these days fairly easy to reach as flying costs are continually dropping. I have visited the United States many times on business and pleasure, but most other American countries have been on my waiting list up to very recentlry.

The USA is an excellent travel destination: great and versatile nature, impressive sights, all sorts of fun and art… you name it! In late 2012 I was finally able to fulfil one of my travel dreams, “Great American Road Trip” from Cape Cod in the East Coast to Los Angeles in the West Coast via Montreal, Toronto, Niagara Falls and following the Historic Route 66 from Chicago westward. This road trip turned out to be a great way to get to understand America and American people much deeper than just visiting bigger cities or typical tourist locations.

In early 2006 I visitied Cuba and that was really something as I happened to get a glimpse of Fidel Castro still as the president! Havana especially is one of my favorites cities full of live music, two of Hemingway’s favourite bars and wonderful people. During that trip I had a short stopover in Nova Scotia, Canada – which I need to get properly acquainted.

One of most recent long intercontinental trips in early 2010 reached Peru, Florida and the Dominican Republic, and you may find some photos of that trip with English text here. Peru is a great country, full of excellent old indian sights and in Florida Miami Beach and Florida Keys are excellent places to visit. In 1995 on a California-Nevada road trip with my son we also had an afternoon visit to the Mexican border city Tijuana, but Mexico still waits for my longer visit.

The album below is a collection of photos on my trips to Americas, mostly commented here in Finnish.

  • Helsinki kesällä
Aloha Hawaii, Waikiki

Kuvia matkasta Havaijille ja siellä Oahun saarelle ja Waikikiin. Muutaman päivän vierailu sisälsi kiertoajelun saarella ja useita kävelylenkkejä Waikikin ja Honolulun alueella.


Pinta-alaltaan maailman toiseksi suurin maa Kanada tarjoaa luonnon ystäville paljon hienoa luontoa sekä kaikille matkailijoille mukavan monikulttuurisen väestön.

Route 66 - Great American Road Trip 2012

This gallery is the secong part of my Great American Roat Trip 2012, containing photos along Historic Route 66 between Chicago and Los Angeles.

Great American Road Trip 2012

This gallery is to document my Great American Road Trip in 2012, from Sea to the Shining Sea or Boston to Los Angeles via Montreal and Toronto and along Route 66.

Dominikaaninen tasavalta

Dominikaaninen tasavalta on ennen kaikkea satoja kilometrejä Karibian hiekkarantoja.


Kuuba on kiehtova kokonaisuus näkyvää vallankumousta, hienoa luontoa, sikareita, rommia, vanhoja jenkkirautoja, monenlaisia ihmisiä ja kaiken päällä elävää musiikkia joka puolella. Yksi suosikkimaistani, jossa kävin vuoden 2006 alussa.

Kuubassa 2006

Kuvia pari viikkoa kestäneeltä Kuuban matkasta Havannassa ja sen ympäristössä sekä Guardalavacassa saaren toisessa päässä.


Peru on hieno matkailumaa, josta löytyy alkuperäiskansojen, kuten inkojen ja warien historiallisia rakennelmia ja vilkasta nykypäivän kulttuuria.


Olen koonnut tähän valokuvia Yhdysvalloista eri matkoilta vuosina 1981-2014. Vilkaisepa, miten New Yorkin Times Square on muuttunut tuona aikana!