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Tom of Finland premiere at PSIFF 2018 – what a buzz!

On January 6th Camelot Theatres’ line was longer we have seen in last five years, queuing for the premiere of Tom of Finland, the movie about the life and development of an iconic artist who had a big impact on gay culture and artistic drawing overall.

I saw the film with my wife already in Finland where it was a huge success last spring among all types and ages of people as Tom of Finland is today regarded as a great artist and a household name – and his work is used in art school and universities around the world to teach how to draw human figures as the director of the film Dome Karukoski said in his opening speech. So it was big surprise to us to see only a few women queuing for the premiere, almost all were men. My wife and I like most Finns think this story about the development of an artist in most difficult and at his time even illegal circumstances has lead to success already while he was living – and even more today. As such this is a film for anyone who has an interest in art an artists to see.

Three ladies and I were in line that was longer we have seen in the last five years we have attended Palm Springs International Film Festival, some people aready in line two hours before the showing. The atmosphere in the theatre was great and Q & A was supported by real friends of the late Tom of Finland (real name Touko Laaksonen). Especially Doug who was one of the key roles in the movie played by Seumas F. Sargent had great stories about Tom and his house in Echo Park, Los Angeles.

By the way, if you want to see Tom of Finland’s art in Palm Springs, Woodman / Shimko Gallery at 1105 N. Palm Canyon is currently showing a private collection of his work.

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