Vesa Tiirikainen – Curriculum Vitae
Born: December 2, 1948.Married, two children.
Current position: since beginning of 2012 I work only on a request basis as a business advisor through my own company.
Graduated: MSc (Aircraft Engineering), 1972 from Helsinki University of Technology.
Management Education Program 1995 (a Finnish implementation of Stanford Executive Program, run by Stanford faculty professors).
Work experience
- Senior Advisor, Member of the Executive Team, Innofactor Plc, 2011.
- Senior Advisor, Member of the Board, Innofactor Oy, 2010.
- Development Director, member of the board, Visual Management Ltd, 2006 to June 2010.
- Member of PA‘s Management Group, 1999 to 2006.
- Partner, S.A.M.I. Ernst & Young Management Consulting Oy, 1997 to 1999.
- Partner and Managing director and member of board at S.A.M.I. Information Technology, 1991 to 1997.
- During 1989-1990 started importing, sales and consultancy of Executive Information Systems (EIS-EPiC from Planninc Sciences Plc.) in TT-Innovation Oy.
- From 1984 to 1989 management consultant in TT-Innovation Oy (currently part of Tieto Corporation).
- Managerial and expert positions in Finnair Oy between 1973 – 1984 in Aircraft Engineering, Maintenance and Business Development including Information Technology Applications. Last position included responsibility over all Finnair’s Technical Department Information Systems.
Avocational jobs
Besides my regular day jobs I have had the following avocational jobs:
- Tietoviikko and CIO blog / Talentum Corp., 2006 to December 2010: columns, blog (about business & IT)
- IT-viikko / Sanoma Magazines, 1999 – 2006: columns and some all-round reading about business and IT
- Tietokone magazine / Sanoma Magazines, 1984-1999, Contributing Editor: various articles and tests about hardware and software especially in relation to personal computers
- Mikrobitti / Sanoma Magazines, 1984-1986, Contributing Editor: tests, game programs (listed in the magazine!)
- Tekniikan Maailma / Lehtimiehet, 1974-1984: Contributing Editor (hifi, video and microcomputers): tests, reading stories, finally for five years a column around hifi and video. At that time I also took quite a lot photos from equipment tested and from trade shows. Learned a lot about what is needed also in this site!
Writer of numerous tests and general articles in Finnish IT magazines (Tietokone, Tietoviikko, ITviikko) and a lecturer in several management conferences (IIR Finland and Tieturi). Presentation and paper at DSS-91 Conference in the USA about Finnish Experiences with Executive Systems.
Author in six books: Tiedonhallinta – arkkitehtuureista tietokannoiksi (Data Management – from Architectures to Databases), 1986, Kokemuksia relaatiotietokannoista (Experiences from relational databases), 1990, Atk-hankinnat (IT purchases), 1992 and Re- Engineering: Ydinketjut uusiksi, 1994. Writer in several S.A.M.I. and S.A.M.I. Ernst & Young yearbooks, including years 1992 (book about Time Based Management), 1993 (Re-engineering), 1995 (Strategic Networking) 1999 (Strategic Re-engineering), 2008 “Johtaja: ole IT-strategi” (Executive: Be an IT Strategist), My newest book has been published in April 2010 by Talentum with the title “IT ja parempi bisnes” (IT and better business).
Tennis, travel, alpine skiing, photography, writing and home renovation.