After a fairly long thinking and testing period I today got ready new looks for this site. A key tool in this work has been ThemeFrame software, whose currently newest beta version can do very many new things without a single piece of traditional programming- like in here.
I do hope the new layout and looks reflect better the purpose of this site and its blogs: it is about photographs and travelling. Both areas will continuously get new content, and as an example some of my most recent additions have been in my Traveller’s alphabetic pages (Cyprus), and there are new countries coming very soon.
Update 24.5.2012: ThemeFrame is now available as a final 1.2. version which has allowed me to make some additional changes in the layout. Main change is to have the header stay on top of the browser window while browsing down on pages. The menu bars have been moved to this header bar to enable navigation on the pages while looking at something down the pages.
With cheerful beginning Summer Greetings – and wishing for your comments on this renewal!